Messages and Reminders

Beginner practices are still Wednesday’s, 10-11pm.

General Practices are Sunday’s, 10am-Noon.

Both take place in Hart House Lower Gym.


If anyone is interested in extra practice, then they can attend practices at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, by Eglinton & Don Mills. They occur Tuesday evenings (9:15-10:45pm) and Sunday afternoons (3-5pm).

The New Year

Welcome to the UTNC’s 2nd semester.

Classes begin/resume Jan 16th and the first one is at 10pm. Location: UofT Hart House, Lower Gym.

The schedule is: Beginner Practices, Wednesday evenings [10-11pm] and General Practice, Sunday mornings [10am-Noon]. Both take place in the Lower Gym.

There is a practice at another dojo that we are connected with, this Sunday (6th) at 3pm. It takes place at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.